多氯聯苯(polychlorinated biphenyls)是一種熱穩定性及化學穩定性相當良好的物質,自1929年開始廣泛的使用於各種工商業產品中,因其具有高脂溶性、低揮發性及半衰期長等特性,容易經由食物鏈的累積使得其在生物體中的濃度遠大於環境中的濃度。探討受到意外事故的暴露者、職業暴露的勞工、一般族群體內的多氯聯苯濃度時,主要分析血液、脂肪、及母乳樣本來得知暴露程度,其中母乳樣本的取得較不具有侵入性,且脂含量也比血液來得高,此外母親會藉由哺乳的行為將母乳中的多氯聯苯轉移給下一代,因此針對婦女的乳汁中多氯聯苯濃度的量測有其重要性存在。
分析結果顯示,母乳中37種多氯聯苯的濃度為0.08~26.99 ng/g,平均濃度3.92 ng/g,母乳樣本平均脂肪含量為2.72 %,換算成脂肪中多氯聯苯相當於2.05~880.89 ng/g lipid,平均濃度150.39 ng/g lipid。共平面多氯聯苯(Co-planar PCBs)總毒性當量濃度為0.209 ng WHO-TEQ/g lipid。 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are widely distributed environmental contaminants. As these compounds are lipophilic and difficult to metabolize, any environmental exposure of living organisms to them originates their accumulation in fat tissues and this is biomagnified in humans via food.
The adipose tissue, blood, and breast milk are usually analyzed for the assessment of human exposure to PCBs. Among these three types of specimen, analysis of breast milk for measurement has specific advantages. The subjects of this study are to measure the PCBs levels in breast milk samples from the south Taiwan.
Seventy-five human milk samples from healthy women were collected during 2007-2008 in south Taiwan. All samples were extracted by n-hexane, and clean up by column chromatography using silica and Florisil. In this study, 37 PCB congeners were determined by gas chromatography / electronic capture detector (GC/ECD).
Results showed that mothers who lived in south Taiwan had average concentrations of PCBs 3.92 ng/g (150.39 ng/g lipid), concentrations of Co-planar PCBs 0.209 ng WHO-TEQ/g lipid.