研究結果顯示,參與環保署執行計畫次數多寡與居民對社區環境品質滿意度成正向趨勢的關係;而在推動社區環境改造過程中,依參與次數多寡,主要遭遇之困難問題的呈現也從第一階段私人土地取得困難、第二階段完成環境改善卻欠缺建立社區居民環境維護機制致遭受外來破壞到第三階段經費的不足到第四階段由於人的因素溝通不良,致衍生釵h阻礙的意見。以上現象,除土地及經費仍需政府及其他相關單位的協助,社區環境改造工作幹部應善於溝通,善於對話,應統合大家的意見,減少分歧,方能推動社區環境改造的永續經營。 A series of environmental reforms have been implemented by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Executive Yuan since 1997. Up to now, these environmental reforms of community (ERC) have received positive responses from communities. The aim of this study is to assess the environmental performance of ERC implemented by Jin-hwa, Wen-nan, Fu-Tam and Da-cheng Units of South District, Tainan City. Both questionnaire and depth interview were conducted to reflect the performance of ERC and the environmental demand of local people.
Based on the results of this work, a positive relationship between the number of implementing and the environmental reforms of community satisfaction of community was found. Nonetheless, according to the experiences in implementating ERC, the main difficulties encountered were acquisition of private land at the first stage, lack of environmental maintenance mechanism at the second stage, deficiency in budget in the third stage, and eventually insufficient communication. The problem of private land and inssufficient budget are in need of supporting from governmental sectors. On the other hand, good communication and dialog are important to reach consesus for further sustainable community development.