研究顯示,水位與水溫隨著降雨有著密切的關係。四井中全年最低水位都在2008年8月,可能是此月是2008年降雨最少的一月所導致。短時間若降雨量豐沛,如2008年9月14日單日降下超過350mm的雨量,造成溫泉水位的上昇,水溫明顯的降低。比較監測站中有不同年但相同月份的數據(11月與12月),天隆站與國小站,發現水位有著降低的現象。水溫方面,國小井因屬於冷水井水溫變化不大,但天隆井發現2008年比2007年同期水塭有略高的趨勢,據推估可能是因為地區總抽水量變大導致地層熱水補充量也變大,故溫度上昇。 Direct use for recreation of hot spring is popular in Taiwan. In recent years, too many new wells were drilled and hot water was over-pumped in several hot spring areas that cause pressure of hot water decreasing and some hot spring outcrops vanished. For the sustainable use and better management of the hot-water resource, a water pressure and temperature monitoring program is setup in the Chiao-Shi hot spring area, northeastern Taiwan. This study presents the water pressure and temperature data for four wells during November 2007 to December 2008.
I suggest that rainfall and water withdrawal by wells are two major factors that cause the hot-water pressure to rise and drop. There are an annual cycle of hot-water pressure and a good correlation between hot-water pressure and precipitation in all of four wells. The higher water level occurred in September to November of rainy season and lower level in December to May of dry season. With precipitation of 350 mm at a single day of 14 September 2008, the hot-water pressure increased and water temperature dropped abruptly. At one year interval, the pressure of hot-water is lower in November-December 2008 compare with the same period of months in 2007. The decreasing of water pressure should be contributed to the over-pumping of hot-water in the Chiao-Shi hot spring area.