摘要: | English proficiency tests have been widely recognized as a requirement for EFL college students, which bh has mevitably resulted in the overemphasis t employing the test-orientated reading materials and reading skills, aland may :ventually diminish the pleasure of` reading. l`he study, theretore, is an attempl tv argue Ihat LFL sludents ts deserve the ]pportunities to discover that English, like their own language, not only can accommodate lacts and information but also can express feelings and ideas about love, death, hope, and tear. Moreover, the students deserve to discove the possibility ofreading English with pleasure. It is hypothesizea that with carefully selected literary works and appropriate teaching approaches, such as encouraging aesznerlc reaamg stances ana tmpiementlng reaaer-respvponse reading and writing activities, students can develop appreciation and feelings for English and become intnsically motivated to give oral and wrinen responses. In the study, twenty-five English majors in a southern university of Technology read a selected short story and gave wrinen responses in a reader-response-oriented reading class. A questionnaire for eliciting participants' feedbacks toward the activities was administered at the end of lesson unit. Participants responseonses were ce collected and malyzed qualitatively by response types and the recunent themes. The findings indicated that the participants' response types focus on self-invvlvement, associations, and interpretations. They can associate ideas and events in the story with their own experience, and involve thetmselves in the behavior and emotions ofcharacters. Participants reported the experience of pleasure reading and the active role in leaming. The study concluded with implication for instruction, literary text-selection, and lillut.c researclt possibilities. 英語能力檢定已被普遍視為台灣大學生的基本能力要求。此認知將無可避免在英語人,養成中,偏重以考試為導向之閱讀教材與閱讀技巧之訓練,亦可能終將銷彌學生的閱讀樂趣。因此,此研究之動機機即欲呼籲:台灣學英文的學生亦須有機會領略到:英文如卜如同自已的母語一般,叮以表達感情,刻畫親情、愛倩、死亡恐懼獎希望。學生們也可以發覺英文閱讀是可以帶來樂趣的。本研究假設,使用慎選之文學作品,搭配合適之教學去(如鼓勵讀者採刖「審美閱讀j讀立場」並啟發讀者反應讀寫活動),學生可以發展出對英文事的感受力並樂意將有感而發之情緒與想法表達出來。此研究對象包含南部一所科技大學中之二十五位外語系學生。他們上了以讀者反應理論為活動i動設計中心之褐讀課後,閱讀教師指定之故事並寫下感想。學生的感想經收集,以質與量的分析後找出反應型態與共通主題。一鬱,並包含以問卷收集學生。研究步驟並包含以問卷收集學生對於此類閱讀活動之觀感。W究結果發現,研究對象之反應型態集中在「自我投入」( self-involvement J 、 r經驗鏈縫結」( associations)、以及「詮釋真義」(interpretations)。他們可以將故事中之1之事件與理念鏈結到自身之經驗、並自我;我投入至故事主角之行為與情緒中。研究對象表示,在此課程中經歷了主動學習與閱讀樂趣。 此研究最後針對教學、閱讀材料挑選、以及未來研究可行方向提出建議。 |