本研究旨趣在於探究幼教師資生對於自然科學教學實務之原有想法,同時發展創作科學概念故事教學策略以促遑師資生對科學教學實務的反省實踐。研究對象為嘉南藥理科技大學師培中心幼教學程選修「幼兒自然科學與欺概念」課程之班級學生,人數共28位。課程中的學習任務包括培養學生利用概念圖分析主題活動所應用的科學概念之能力;接著進一步透過故事創作的任務,為主題活動編寫一套能夠引導探究且同時提供情境的故事設計,最後於期末「微試教」階段分享成果並進行討論與省思。師資生在設計自然科學主題活動的過程中,透過小組合作概念構圖的方式,一方面澄清自己對於主題概念的理解,同時進一步發展出對應於主題活動的情境故事,以期能夠合用於幼兒階段的語言與學習特質。研究設計採質的方法進行;資料蒐集部份就整體歷程而言,透過了課室觀察與記錄、個人學習歷程檔案、活動設計概念圖繪製、活動引導故事創作,以及與學生晤談等,隹行回應研究關注問題所需之資料分析與三角校正。研究結果發現師資生對於幼兒探究活動的教學觀點深受其1身學習經驗影響;歷經一學期的課程後,肯定了概念圖結合故事寫作策略對於設計幼兒科學教學活動有實質勺幫助,同時也對教學實務產生自信心。研究建議利用概念圖進行科學概念故事寫作,可以作為促進幼教師資對其科學教學實務進行反省思考的方便之門。 The main purpose of this study was to examine student teachers make explicit their ideas about children science teaching practice and the applicability of teaching science story writing based on concept mapping as a strategy for helping student teachers to develop their own reflective practice. Through the application of collaborative concept napping skill, students teachers were expected to clarij their understanding on a speclfic concept, and, meanwhile,compose stories conesponding to its activity design in order to develop a teaching style fitting in with the nature of ,arly childhood leaming. There were 28 participants in this study, who were student teachers enrolling in "early :hildhood science and math method course" provided by the Teacher Education Center at Chin Nan University of Jhannacy and Science. The course was taught by the researcher. The obJ.ective ofthis study was to investigate how the students' science understanding was enhanced by story writing with the aid of concept mapping skill, and, fiJnhermore, to observe and evaluate their reflection in action. Qualitative data were collected through the activities of classroom observation, semi-structure intewiews, personal portfolio, and assignment collection. The technique of triangulation on multiple resources were used to validation the results. 1`he result shows a lack of previous experience or negative past experience was found to be a major influence on the anitude of teaching children science inquiry. ARer taking one semester course, student teachers show their agreement on the usehilness of this strategy for developing children ,cience leaming activities. Most oftheir self-confidence has been encouraged in science teaching practice. This research suggests that teaching science story writing based on concept mapping strategy can be regarded as a convenient way for student teachers to fomzulate the skills and attitudes required for reflective practice.