軍訓制度是訓政時期,政府為因應國家時局的需要,讓教官進駐校園。隨著時空演變,台灣政治環境起了重大的變化,已由威權體制進入民主體制,而1980年帶風起雲湧的學生運動,攸關軍訓制度存廢、教官退出校園的問題,曾引起社會各界熱烈的討論與研究。由大學法修訂公佈後,給予教官繼續留褂交園的法令一,而使軍訓教官繼續成為我國獨特制度本研究企圖瞭解教官在各歷史階段所扮演的角色,以及其如何隨著民主化發展的過程,調適其自我意象與功能,進而獲的社會認同,成功地轉型。本論文以深入訪談、文獻分析、以及參與觀察的方式,發現社會變遷與價值的改變,雖然讓教官的角色備受爭議,但教官始終能不斷配合時代的需要而自我調適,由最初的管理者的角色,轉變為軍訓教學的傳授者、學生生活輔導者、服務工作的執行者以及兵役行政的推動四個角色,這四種角色功能,已普遍獲得學校、家長、學生、的肯定。為了使軍訓制度能永續發展,更改組織名稱、明訂教官角色功能、提高教官學術專業水準、協助教官取得教師資格等政策方向,則能使教官制度徹底轉型。 To meet the noei of the national situation, the ROC Govemment initiated the Military Training System in the period of Political Tutelage several decades ago. The system anmged miliky officers as instuctors in hig school and college campus. As time lapses, Taiwan has tmnsfonned its political systems hom authoritarian to danocratic regimes. In this course ofdemocratization, the massive student movexnents in the 1980s have targeted unifonned soliders in the campus which ynbolized the legacy of wthoritian rules. The question whether the campus military training system and personnel should be maintained therefore amused enthusiastjc debates. The discussion fadeds however, when the University Law was amended to legalize the position of` military 1st™ctors in campus. The purpose ofthis research tries to explore the role ofthe military inst™ctors in each historical stage, and how hey adjust Iheir selflirnage and fimctions followed the procesa ofdemocmtic developmenk Actually, military training irtstructors have kre amazingly well in the course oftrWsition. Uia intensive interviews and parhcipatory observation, it is found that military tmining inst™ctors can manage to adapt themselves to the nd of society, changing their initial role of administrator to that of instnwtor (in military training educati),student consultant, sewice provider, and military service agent. AII fow fimctions have been well acknowledged by school colleagues, parents and students. To make the system sustainable, we neod to modiu the title of milhwy training instrvctor' and improve their academic profession to make them qualifiod teachers.