本研究探討2004年至2006年台灣壽險公司在金融市場環境改變下經營績效之變化。採用因素分析找出影萼壽險公司經營績效之主要原因,經變數萃取後,以分數法進行綜合評分及等級評等,然後比對反說明評等結果與實際狀況。本研究並利用各觀察值之因素分數做群集分析,依財務狀況將壽險公司分群並探討分群分群結果。l後探討員工產值、現代保險-金融理財雜誌之評鑑調查「最值得推薦的壽險公司排名」與經營績效之關係,以及本國與外商、本國新舊公司之間及金控公司與否等三種情況對經營績效之影響。 Mis study explores the operating perfonnance of life insurance companies in Taiwan with the change of the environment ofmoney market hom 2004 to 2006. We use factor analysis to And the major factors that affect operating performance. ARer extracting variables, Z-score method is used to evaluate grades and compute ranks, then the result is explained and contrasted to the real status. Next, use cluster analysis to cluster the companies according to their factors Scores and explore the result. At the end, we analyze the relations between production contribution ofemployees, ranks )f The Top Ten Life Insurance Companies Worthy to be Recommended Most" hom joumal rRisk management, 1surance and FinanceJ and the operating performance. And the innuences to operating perfonnance under three situations of companies, local versus foreign, local old versus local new, financial holding versus non-hoIding, are discussed.