The seasonal migration of the endangered species, Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor), to a Wildlife Refitge in southwestem Taiwan every winter attract a large number of domestic and intemational tourists, as well as regular visitors hom the local areas. This study evaluated the impact of environmental education in school on tourists' behaviors dwing their trip to the Wildlife RefiJge. Data were collected by means of questionnaires. This questionnaire was developed based on the information of the tourists' socio-demographic characteristics, tourism destinations, self-definition approach, and intended behavior by using a 5-point scale. Based on 547 respondents took part in thesurvey, the majority was between 21 and 40 years old and approximately 45% of the respondents possessed a Bachelor's degree. Respondents were categorized as tourists who had studied an environment-related course in school and those who did not. Results revealed that whether have leamed environment-related course in school, showed nosignificant difference in self-definition approach. However, there was significant difference in a tourist's intended behavior between two groups. One possibility is that an impression of environment-related course in school has a Signihcant impact on the tourists knowledge and decisions of how they should interact with the environment. In addition, why we need to design and introduce a general education course to university students to raise their awareness of ecological conservation is discussed. 瀕臨絕種之野生動物黑面琵鷺,在每年冬天會遷徙至臺灣西南部之野生動物保護區渡冬,因此吸引大量本地及世界各地的遊客湧入保護區。本研究探討學校環境教育課程之修習是否影響遊客進入保護區旅遊之旅遊行為。研究以問卷調查為主,問卷之內容包括遊客之背景、旅遊目的及以五等級分類法探討遊客之旅遊認知與旅遊行為等。總共有547位遊客接受問卷訪問,其中有45%遊客具有大學學歷,大多數遊客介於21至40歲之間。所有接受問卷的遊客資料,以在學校課程中修習過環境教育之相關課程與否歸類為兩群。結果顯示:遊客是否修習過環境教育之相關課程,與遊客之旅遊認知沒有顯著的相關性,但卻對遊客之旅遊行為有顯著的影響。此結果顯示:遊客在學校修習過環境教育課程的印象與知識,可能影響遊客在旅遊過程中興環境的互動關係。此外,本研究亦討論大學開設的通識課程,應加強大學生對於環境生態保育認知的重要性。