電腦輔助教學使用於各級學校教學的課程中,是一種很普遍的現象;但是很多研究者及教育者卻憂心於此現象出現於幼稚園的課程中是否過早?特別是幼兒的智力和能力尚處於學習發展的階段中。電腦的使用是否會造成某些社會能力發展的遲緩或是停滯?且電腦的使用是否會對幼兒初期社會化的過程中造成某些負面影響?本文主要是以質性研究與觀察比較爲主要的研究方法。是以幼稚園中班的幼兒爲研究對象,調查國語課使用電腦輔助課程,對於幼兒在自由遊戲的活動中,與同儕間所表現的社會互動行爲與態度造成哪些影響。根據此次的研究結果發現國語課使用電腦輔助教學,多少是會弱化幼兒的社會互動的態度、頻率以及行爲表現等。 It is a common situation that computer aided instruction is popularly applied in various educational organizations. However, many researchers and educators worry about if it is available of being utilized in early childhood education. During the period, children are developing various capabilities; it is indeterminate that the reason for interrupting child's socializing process is because of applied computer to child's learning. Is it causing some negative influences of child's social interaction with peers? This is a qualitative research. The research method is primarily based on observation and comparison. The research object is focus on the middle class students of kindergarten. After computer classes, will it produces children's negative leverages or interrupts children's social interaction with pupils during the playtime? According to the research findings, computer aided instruction in language class has some influences to children's social interaction capability, such as social attitude, frequency and movement.