文化創意產業發展至今,必須在地方傳統產業、初級產業向工業型都市經濟轉換這一傳統發展模式之外,找出第三條路,本文認為可以藉由行動者網路理論來重構產業發展策略,故引用行動者網路理論使文化創意產業的觀念更清晰,本研究將以Terluin(2003)提出的「第三條路(the third way)」以及Latour(1987). Law(1992) 、Walsham(1997)所提的行動者網路理論(actor network theory,簡稱ANT)來討論文化創意產業的文化產品、文化服務如何重新連結文化創意產業的發展,並以數位遊戲產業為個案研究對象。研究發現數位遊戲是社會的縮影,也是一個國家文化的縮影,數位遊戲可以訓練的技能包括:設計原理、組織發展、決策能力等技能,故可以朝這些能力發展數位遊戲產業的行動者網路。 Until now, the study ofActor Network Theory (ANT) of cultural creative industries is lesser; ANT is a conceptual frame for exploring collective cultural creative. In this paper, we would like to question whether ANT can in fact deliver a critical theory of cultural new service development, and apply for case study of digital game. The research finding also imply that digital game is the social epitome and affect on country culture, digital game theory and ,ractices can not only developed organization, decision making but also created managerial skill of personal into career of occupations.