廣告是是現代行銷的重要手法,扮演著產品與消費者間的溝通橋樑。因此,廣告的良窳,標示著消費者對廣告的接受度,也標示著產品的銷售高低。大衛˙奧格威強調「非要很好的點子不」就是強調好的廣告要能「飆出創意」,可是創意一詞,只是抽象概念,在概念付諸實際操作中,必然有難以言說的重點,所以如何習得創意的重點並將創意落實在操作過程中,是本篇論文的重點。創意是重要且能習得的,因此本文前言先突顯「創意」在未來產業及廣告運用的重要;再則釐清「原創」與「再創」的差別,以作為創意可習得的依據;三則分析實龜與認知的關係,指出實踐與認知的統一性,以強調正確認知的重要;四則說明創意須廣泛的培養才能碰撞出創意火花;末則舉廣告案例,提出一聯想比附、二替換組合、三模仿取意三建種學習方法來說明廣告創意實踐的無限性及可能性;結論則對本文的特點作總結說明。經由本論文的提出,將可提供創意實踐的學習方法,使創意不再只是一個抽象或遙不可及的概念,而是可付諸實際操作而學習的表現手法。 Advertising is the significant device to effect sales nowadays, playing the part of communication between products andconsumers. Therefore, an exquisite advertising presents not only the consumers' accepting degree but also the products' selling level. "Only good idea is acceptable" emphasis by David Orgway, which means a good advertising is definitely coming from "Originality." The word "Originality", however, only an abstract concept, can't be put into words in the operation of living up to this concept. Therefore, how to leam h-om the originality and to put it into practice in operation is the key point of this project. The originality is significant and able to be leamed. First, the preface of this project focuses on the advertising importance of future industry and advertising utilization. Second, this project presents the difference between the "originality" and "re-originality" to be the basis of proof that originality can be leamed. Third, This project analizes the relationship between practice and recognition, and points out the unity in order to emphasize the importance of exact recognition.. Fourth this project accounts for the marvelous development of the advertising, which is able to create much more originality. Finally, this project takes some advertising cases as examples to present three leaming skill: one is association comparison; another is Substitution combination; the other is imitation significance in order to account for the impossibility and possibility ofthe advertising living up to the originality. This proJect concludes several advantages to sum up. By means ofthis proJect presentation, the leaming method of putting advertising into practice, makes the originality is not an abstract concept but a presenting skill which is able to be put into practice.