資料探勘發展至今已成功運用到各種產業領域中,有鑑於此本研究將以資料探勘技術應用在文化創意產業來進行初探性研究,說明此技術可以在文化創意產業的運用趨勢,從過去政府對文化創意產業的分類乃延用傳播、出版、電視以及廣告等產業特性、共分十三大類產業特質,唯近年來文化創意產業的發展隨大環境改變之際,政府相關立法也朝文化創意產業的全方位發展之際,本研究認為可以運用資料探勘技術,重新檢視產業特質,本研究透過群集分析,在蒐集大量資料後,進行分析以尋找有用資訊,發現所隱含的、規律的潛在有用的產業特性,找出產業歸類,得到表演產業、樂活產業、影音產業三大行業分類,期望提供政府單位日後進行產業特性分類時參考以及後續決策支援之用。 Date mining and knowledge disoovery from databases receive a lot of atentions and have been successhdly applied to many areas. However, in cultud industr.ies are rarely reswrh subject hence, This research inlroduces an application of data mining technologies on this industries. Using The decision tree, association rules and cluster analysis to analysis the cunent cultural creative indusfes companies preference and satiskction in the markel The poposed methodology wi1h data mining algorithm is to underdnd the similaritjes and dissimilarities among a set of market elements of spocific in fin companies and to remmmended for govemment Finally, this research find the three categories of cultuml create industies includes: Perform art Industy,LOHAS Industry,and Video Industry, there are Some intern factors oould be continued research process.