合格領隊之培育,為「教育、招考、訓練、任用」四階段;職前訓練,是建構領隊專業知識與專業自信的重要階段。本研究旨在探討職前訓練課程安排與職前領隊自我評價的相關程度,從人力素質調查、工作熱誠、職前準備、工作自信、專業知識等面向,進行調查分析,並提出職前訓練專業課程或技能項目安排的修正建議。研究結果發現:人口統計變頃與自我評價變項間呈現顯著差異,專業知識及專業自信有待職前訓練教育予以補強。本文為國內相關研究中,唯一以外語領隊為研究對象者。針對227位(有效樣本189位),已通過國家專技普考之職前領隊,實施問卷調查,為近來針對領隊問卷調查樣本數最多之研究。研究結果可供公部門,規劃外語領隊職訓課程具體之參考。 The process ofdeveloping a qualified tour manager is classihed into 4 stages: education, examination, training and recruitment. Orientation training is one of the most important stage in establishing professional knowledge and self-confidence ofa tour manager. Thus, this research is to investigate the intenelations between training course design and self-estimation by applying different independent variables such as quality human resources, work enthusiasm, confidence, and professional knowledge. 227 questionnaires were distributed (189 qualitied samples) to those who passed the t'oreign language speaking Junior Professional and Technical Examination for Tour Managers. The results indicate that there is the signiticant varlance between demograpntc variables and self-estimation. Furthermore, the insufficient knowledge and lack vl conttdence among tow managers has to be rem.forced when designing the training courses. The academic and managerial implications are discussed.