Chitosan has antimicrobial fimction, and it also can inhibit the synthesis of ethylene For these reasons, acid and water soluble 13-chitosan with different degrees of deacetylation (DD) were used in preserving cut Aowers, and the effects ofthese treatments on the cut Aowers were studied.
The senescence of gladiolus cut Aowers was not very sensitive to ethylene, nor did acid soluble or water soluble chitosan affect the vase life ofcut Aowers. However water soluble chitosan improved the pedicle bending and raise the total number ofbloomed Aorets; and at the same time, it increased the diameter ofthe third florets. The optimal dosage was 20 ppm ofwater soluble chitosan with >90% DD. 幾丁聚醣具有抑菌的特性,亦具有抑制乙烯合成之特點,故本研究利用不同去以醯度之酸溶性,-幾丁聚醣和水溶性幾丁聚醣做為材料應用於唐昌蒲之切花保鮮。
由於唐昌蒲切花對於乙烯並不敏感,以致於酸溶性幾丁聚醣和水溶性幾丁聚醣對於切花受命之延長並無顯著之效果。然而,去乙醯度>90%之水溶性幾丁聚醣可改善唐昌蒲切花之折頸率,提高其開花數,並且提高第三朵花之花徑。其中以濃度為20 ppm之效果最佳。