A simple and rapid isocratic HPLC-UV method for the routine quality control of fexofenadine hydrochloride in synthesis products has been established. By using iethylamine-phosphoric acid aqueous solution (O.10 mol/L) / methanol (45:55) mobile phase (flow rate 1.O mL/min) and ODS column at ambient temperature, fexofenadine hydrochloride can be well separated hom its 3 major synthetic intemlediate impurities in 15 minutes.The representative linear equation of the method was Y = 1.103xl0X - 1.186xl03, where X is the concentration of fexofenadine hydrochloride and Y is the peak area, with conelation coefficient(R) of O.9999 (n=3). The limit of quantitation (LOQ) and limit of detection (LOD) ofthe proposed method were 180 ng and 60 ng, respectively. The RSD of intra-and inter-day precision test ofthe method were O.43% and O.28%, respectively, whtch had snowil yi caL promilse in the quality control routine analysis of fexofenadine hydrochloride. The proposed method was demonstrated in degradation test of fexofenadine hydrochloride. 菲索非那定(Fexofenadine)屬於第二代抗組胺藥物,是特非那定(terfenadine)在人體內的代謝產物,卻仍具有藥理活性。菲索非那定對季節性變態反應性鼻炎(AR).特發性蕁麻疹療效突出;並且相對於特非那定,菲祟非那定不會導致心臟QT間期延長、尖端扭轉型室速等室性心律失常副作用,即使口服劑量為推薦量的幾倍或同時服用影響代謝的藥物,也不曾引起心臟的毒副作用。菲索非那定無法通過血腦屏障,無抗組胺藥的嗜睡副作用,在美國為飛行員抗過敏推薦用藥。
本篇研究對鹽酸菲索非那定及其合成過程中的中間產物,建立以HPLC-UV方法進行特性分析。在最佳化情況下,可在15分鐘內對鹽酸菲索非那定與三種主要中間產物混合液分離而得到良好的層析圖譜,訊號與濃度線性關係測定的結果,為Y = 1.103x103X - 1.186x103,r= 0.9999 (n=3),具有良好的線性關係,而同日間精密度(Intra-day precision)與異日間精密度(Inter-day precision)之測定RSD分別為+/- 0.43%與+/-0.28% ,其準確度則與使用傳統非水滴定法測定結果具有一致性。