本研究於嘉藥人工濕地系統進行水棲昆蟲棲群動態調查,完成40次的採樣調查,共發現6目(雙翅目、蜻蛉目、半翅目、鞘翅目、蜉蝣目、鱗翅日)、 15科、 15種水棲昆蟲。進行皮爾森相關分析,水棲昆蟲總個體數與水溫及溶氧量呈負相關,與氨氮呈正相關。在人工濕地進行植物採收或濕地內植物體大量死亡,會造成水棲昆蟲的數量明顯減少,當濕地水生植物逐漸回復生長,水棲昆蟲的種類及數量才隨之逐漸增加。經由水棲昆蟲棲群動態調查與水質參數的多元迴歸分析,採討建立指標生物的可行性。 Aquatic insects were collected regularly in the Chna constucted wetland system, and were identified and counted in the laboratory. The aquatic insects in the orders of Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Lepidoptera, Hemiplera, Coleoptera and Dptera were collected. Within these six orders, there were 15 families and 15 species were recorded. Pearson conelation analysis demonstrated that sum of aquatic insecr individual were highly negatlve correiatea with the water temperature and DO, and highly positlve coneiated wtth the NH4-N. The total of the aquatic insects in the Chna constructed wetland system was markedly inhuenced by the abundance of aquatic plants. The aim of this research was to investigate the praciticable ofthe bio-indicator to monitor the water quality of the constructed wetland system.