本研究探討以硫酸鋅/硫酸亞鐵製備活性碳觸媒以甲烷為還原劑還原降解一氧化氮,研究中以不同硫酸鋅/硫酸亞鐵比例製備活性碳觸媒並探討其還原活性,並討論還原反應條件對於還原降解一氧化氮效率之影響。本研究之結果發現以鐵/鋅(8:2)活性碳觸媒進行一氧化氮之違彫反應兼具較大反應比表面積與還原活性,若以甲烷為還原劑,氮氧化物還原降解率於400'C時,轉化率約為57%左右,其中鐵含量降低則氮氧化物還原降解率隨之降低,此結果顯示硫酸亞鐵金屬於氮氧化物還原降解中佔重要之地位。本研究亦發現氮氧化物之去除率,受反應溫度高低之影響甚鉅。研究中製備之含鐵鋅雙金屬活性碳觸媒以甲烷作為還原劑時,能達到約60%一氧化氮還原降解。 The purpose of this study is to prepare the Zinc/Iron activated carbon for catalytic reduction in SCR with methane. The content of metals in carbon matrix was investigated to clarify the relationship between the activity of catalyst and metal content in carbon. The perfom.1ances of catalytic reduction of mpregnated activated carbon were Concemed in the case of SCR with methane as reducing agent. It was found that the optimum impregnated ratio was obtained with an impregnating ration iron/Zn =8/2, in such case the best surface area and reduction activity can be achieved. The 57% NO conversion can be ichieved at 600'C in SCR with methane as the reducing agent. It was found that the increase in iron content decreased the activity of carbon catalyst. This result showed that the iron content in carbon strongly inAuence the porosity and activity of activated carbon. Under the optimum condition, the best effciency of reduction can be achieved with methane in SCR.