利用包埋混合微生物(Entrapped Mixed Microbial Cell, EMMC)的廢水處理法比傳統活性污泥法具有操作簡單、成本較低、佔地小、操作更有彈性及效率較高等優點。本研究主要為製作包埋式混合微生物擔體,建構反應槽處理化糞池出流水,瞭解EMMC微生物處理的效果,以供未來實廠設計之參考。研究方法微生物混合包埋技術處理垃圾掩埋場滲出水及生活污水混合液,期望取代傳統生物活性污泥法,使放流水達到排放標準,並有效減少污泥的產生。本研究將以垃圾掩埋場實廠廢水依不同比例與生活污水混合處理。並以間接性曝氣時間、批次及連續式等變因檢測處理後水質之溶解性化學需氧量(Dissolved Chemical Oxygen Demand, DCOD)、總化學需氧量(Total Chemical Oxygen Demand, TCOD) 、氨氮、硝酸根、亞硝酸根等濃度變化與去除效果,期望能尋求最佳操作參數,並達到放流水排放標準。 Entrapped Mixed Microbial Cell (EMMC) technique shares many advantages than conventional bio-treatment of sewage such as effective to produce and establish, robust, eficient, and easy to operate and maintain. The main aim ofthis research plan was to manufacture EMMC canier. Beside, a lab scale EMMC reactor was also conducted to find the feasibility of its application on the treatment of actual landfilled leachate and septic tank effluent. Three stages of the experiments were canied out for the examination of system performance under different conditions of aeration and non-aeration ratio and hydraulic retention time. The results showed that the EMMC system could remove nitrogen effectively and the highest removal efficiencies of TCOD and DCOD were 92% and 74%, respectively. The results obtained kom this study indicated that the EMMC is a high potential technology for wastewater treatment and could be considered as an altemative of on-site treatment unit for the polishing of landfilled leachate and septic tank ettluent.