實驗結果顯示:循環系統在低流速(0.5 L/min)時,陰陽離子間有較穩定之接觸作胙用,使其結垢物生成較穩定,較易產生結垢及沉澱之現象;增加流速( 1.0 L/min)時,實驗結果則相反:另外,循環系統在高溫(45C)時,因溶解度較低溫(25C)時為大,水樣中之陰陽離子易以離子型態存在,可減緩水樣結垢物生成及沉澱時間。此實驗結果亦與實地查訪時觀察之結果相互符合:當溫度越高時,溫泉水體較不易出現結垢物之沉澱現象。
超音波換能器系統抑制結垢物生成之結果顯示:受溫度及流速之影響,其震盪處理效應於低溫及低流速下較具抑制成效;然於高溫及高流速狀態時,其抑制效益較不明顯。因此,本研究建議之最佳操作條件為:超音波換能器系統於頻率為20kHz,功率為5W,在低溫(25。C) 、低循環流速(0.5 L/min)之條件下最具處埋成效。本研究之實驗結果雖提供其學術基礎,為求研究成果之精確反完善,仍需更多之實場量化數據作為佐證,以有效提供溫泉產業於實場環境中建立結垢處理之平台,解決業者長期以來所面臨之問題。 There were three types ofhot spring water in Taiwan, including chlorine salt type, carbonate type and sulfate salt type. When the hot spring water was delivered by pipeline system, the carbonate was easily precipitated in the pipeline and storage system, which considered as an essential problem for the owners of hot spring industry. These scaling problems conoded and damaged the pipes, leading the potential explosion problems. The major treatment methods were ling. which caused the serious eutrophication problems in our natural environment. Replacing the pipes hequently was considered as a way to solve problems and free for chemical pollutants. However, tne maintenance costt was hugeconsidered as an envirorunental issue. Therefore, in order to solve scaling problems with green technologies, this study applied ultrasound energy to the simulation process of hot spring delivery system. The mcrease/decrease of pH values were detennined and the before/after concentrations of calcium ion were analyzed. Thus,the potential formation mechanisms of scaling in hot spring water and the perfonnance of ultrasound assisted inhibition process were carefully examined.
The experimental results indicated that the cations and anions were easily collided to fom1 the precipitations under the low recirculation Aow rate and the calcium maintained in low concentration. Inversely, in high recirculation flow rate, the calcium ion existed in higher concentratlon. wnen the temperature changed in hot spring recirculation system, Zigher calcium conce.ntratinns remained. Thus, low flow rate and temperature could form a stable cations and anions collision reaction in hot spring water which resulted in high opportunity of`scaling problems.
The performance ofultras ound assisted inhibition process: The results indicated that ultrasound assisted inhibition Process of scaling problem was depended with Aow rate and temperature. When the control system was under lower flow rate and temperature, the perfonnance h1nctioned well in inhibiting the scaling problems. However, the perfomzance was not obvious under higher Now rate and temperature. The optimized operation conditions were onfimed at low temperature (25'C) and iow now rate (O.5 L/min) under ultrasound hequency of 20k Hz with 5 w energy. The experimental results of this study are insufficient to conclude the optimization control conditions of ultrasound assisted inhibition process, which needs t'urther researches and studies to fulfill the requirements.