摘要: | 民主政治是人類理性開展的一項產物。有人認為儒家傳統不利於民主政治的推行,本文以儒家思想中的荀子思想為研究範圍,以「政治理性的詮釋」為題,即是想透過詮釋學的觀點,重新思考儒家思想的精神與理念。本文欲證明的論點是在荀子的思想體系中,其政治理性的價值理念和現代民主社會價值並不牴觸;相反地,其思想中,對人的重視和人文精神的提倡,乃是民主政治的基本理念,值得現今功利社會思考。本文先以其哲學基礎做論述,再以其規範性的社會做解析,而規範性如何轉化為實然,荀子並不作形而上的推演,強調人的實踐能力,落實在客觀社會政治的運作,以建構一個理想之社會。 Democratic politics is modern production of human reason. Some might say that the tradition of the Confucious Ideology Impedes the development of modern democratlc polltlcs. Here I would Ike to give another vlewpoint by rd-defining Hsuen-Jr's ideology-a branch origlnated from the Confucian school-to prove that its vlue does not oppose to the formation of modern democratic society.
On the contrary, Hsun-Tze's humenlsm and his respect to human beings has helped to build up the base of dr democratic poIitics.
This essay, as entitled here, is concerned to thd metaphysical argument at the beginning, and an implement analysis of a standardized society later on. How to turn the stand ardized society into a pragmatlcal, utobian one? Hsued-Jr's avoided to make a metaphysical elocution, but Instead,turned himself to the search of human facts. |