近年來,醫療院所面臨外在環境劇烈變遷,冀望能在成本控制下又顧及醫療品質前提下尋求策略,因此外包策略因應而生。本研究目的在探討國內醫院合約外包支出金額及服務績效,並依醫院等級、病床規模及屬性比較外包支出金額。本研究以普查方式,問卷郵寄予567家醫院之總務部門主管填答,回收有效樣本為231家醫院,回收率為41%。資料經由頻率分析、ANOVA變異分析。研究結果發現如下:平均每家醫院花費於合約外包單一項目金額最低為154.2仟元,最高為6,363.8仟元,且支出金額多項隨等級、病床規模、屬性不同而有差異;外包業務績效面而言,有80%以上醫院呈現中上以上滿意,而有50%~87%之醫院願意繼續外包;合約內容以固定費用之支付及風險假設之訂定為主。以上結果可為衛生主管機關制定法令規章、醫院管理階層決策擬定及外包服務產業者經營之參考,以達到成本節制兼顧醫療服務品質改善有效管理。 Contract mangement (CM) has been using Increasingly to contain cost in hospitals. The objective of this research was toto examlne the expenditure and performance of CM on hospital in Taiwan. Questionnnaires were mailed nationwide to the heads of General Affairs office of 567 accredited hospitals. Data analysls incorporated frequencies, means, and standard deviatlons to descrlbe the respondents. Analysls of varlance examined the significance of the relationships among the variables of the study. Two hundred thirty-one usable questionnalres were returned, whlch gave an overall response rate of 41%. The estlmated average CM expense per hospital per CM was In the range of NT $ 154.2-6,363.8 thousands. The Cfg expendlture was influenced signrificantly by hospital level, hospital beds, and ownership. The CM performed a satisfactory service in 80% hospital, and 50% ~ 80% hospital deaded continuing CM. The contract treaty usually concerned the service lee and the assumption of risk. We sugQgested that CM utilizaOon was dependent on tt hospital strategies and the quality Of outside firm conintractors. Therefore, CM is need to be gulded by govrvernment to improve hospital operation. Our results may be useful In establlshing hospital and government guidelines for hospital CM.