由於近年國內之工業快速發展,廢水量也相對的增加,因此對於工業廢水之處理以及放流水標準愈來愈嚴格的今天,廢水處理效率應更加重視。Fenton法具有強氧化力,能將一些難分解之有機物去除,是一具發展潛力之處理技術,然而工業廢水中經常是重金屬與有機物質共存,在過去的研究裡卻極少探討重金屬離子對Fenton反應之影響,因此本研究便以酚、2-氯酚及2,4-二氯酚為對象,用批式反應槽,以總有機碳(TOC)做為評估指標來探討Cu2+及Cd2+對Fenton反應之效應。研究結果顯示,依有機物種類及重金屬種類及濃度而定,H2O2的濃度對酚、2-氯酚及2,4-二氯酚之礦化反應,可能因H2O2的濃度增加反而造成反應速率變慢,也可能因H2O2的濃度增加而造成反應速率變快。在本研究的實驗條件下,亞鐵離子濃度之改變對Fenton反應速率並無明顯的改變。重金屬影響酚、2-氯酚及2,4-二氯酚礦化程度上各有不同,但其中含銅離子之礦化速率較含鎘離子者之礦化速率為佳。 The Fenton reaction has been applied to the minerallzation of chlorophenols in aqueous solutions containing various metal lons, namely Cu2+ and Cd2+. Total organic carbon (TOC) was used to evaluauate the mlneralization efflclencies of chlorophenols. Results show that Cuz and Cd2+ can decrease or increase the eftcleneies of chlorophenol mineralization depending on the specles of lons and organic chemicals. Generally, the mineralizatlon efficlencies of phenol and 2,4-dlchlorophenol increase with Increasing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. However, increaslzlslng the concentratiorloo of hydrOgen peroxide in oxidizing 2-chlorophenol resulted in slowing down the mhineralizatlon reaction. In this research, we didl Jlot flnd that [Fe2] has a signlficant effect on the mlneralization of chlorophenols. Generally, the minerallzation etficiency of chlorophenols in the presence of Cuz+ is higher than that in the presence of Cd2+.