The existing research has come to believe that foreign language proficiency is relevant to strategy use. In the fireld of listening testing, researchers have expressed increasing interest in exploring listeners' test-taking strategies. The present study aims to examine non-English majors' test-taking strategies in the listening comprehension test. The participants werw 163 non-English majors from a teachnological university in southerm Taiwan, invited to take the three parts of the GEPT listening comprehension test. After finishing each part of the listening test, they immediately filled out each section of the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests were performed to obtain the research results. The findings disclosed that compensation strategies were used most frequently in the picture description and the question/statement response listeding tests. Affective strategies were ranked first in the short conversation listening test. In contrast, participants applied memory strategies the least in all three parts of the test. Following the findings, suggestions of future studies are provided. 根據研究,外語能力與策略運用存在著相關性,而在聽力測驗的領域中,應答策略的研究日趨受到重視。本研究主要探討大學非英語系學生在聽力測驗中使用應考策略之狀況。由163位來自南台灣某科技大學非英語系學生參與此項研究。學生依序完成全民 英檢三部份之聽力測驗,期間依照指示於每一部分測驗後隨即填答針對該部份所設計之應答策略問卷。根據敘述統計及卡方檢定結果顯示:受測者在圖片提與問答題使用補償策略最為頻繁,會話題則以情意策略居冠。反之,三大題型中同列使用頻率最低者則為記憶策略。對於未來之延伸研究亦於文後提出參考之建議。