Recent research in cognitive linguistics has highlighted the singnificance as well as the abundance of metaphor in language. Despite this fact, the ability of foreign language learners to use metaphors has been regularly ignored. This paper presents an argument for the study of poetic metaphors as a springborad for sensitizing EFL students the expressions of metaphoric language. The basic premise is that only at a level higher than the literal denotation could language learning be advanced. Awealth of powerful examples exists within English poems. For this reason, metaphorical language drawn from English poems was used as an sid to help students recognize and generate their own metaphors. Through language-based activities, students could explore what purposes metaphors serve and how metaphors contribute to the overall meaning of a text. The most important finding of thisstudy is that in the end, students have laerned to think and write creatively. 近年來,認知語言學派提出「隱喻」在語言教學上的重要性。儘管如此,如何使用「隱喻」在外語學習的領域仍未被獲重視。這篇研究主旨在於提出利用詩的隱喻作為一開端,讓學生能對「隱喻性」的語言更為敏銳。此篇研究的論點在於唯有引導學生讀出字裡行間的弦外之音,語言的學習才能更精進。詩,位孕育豐富隱喻的文體。基於此,此篇研究試圖使用英詩作為課堂教材,讓學生從詩中體會何謂「隱喻性的語言表達」,並且在課堂上體驗簡單的「隱喻」創作活動。透過課堂的活動設計,學生們可以更加瞭解詩人運用隱喻的目的以及隱喻如何增加語言及本文的豐富性。此研究發現隱喻的教學活動能帶給學生新的語言刺激:學生開始學習如何創意思考以及如何創意寫作。