在議學規範中,對於人選的表決,採取無記名投票;對事務的表決,採取記名投票,這是基本原則。對於一般人民的投票,可以用上述規範加以說明;但是立法委員的投票,是不是也要一體適用,在對人選的表決上,非得秘密投票不可呢?無記名投票〈秘密投票〉的主要用意在於確保投人個人自由意志的貫徹,不受他人影響;以秘密方式進行,可以讓投票者不必顧慮各種威脅利誘及情面干擾。記名投票則是表決公開,投票者必須對外界的期待與要求加以回應。其他人則可以不同方式影響表決過程。立法委員在議場中的各種表現,本來就沒有秘密可言〈除非是秘密會議〉,贊成或反對都應該載於記錄,以滿足人民權利。立法委員由政黨提名,經人民以選舉方式委託監督政府,記名投票有其正當性。選民與政黨、傳播媒體等可以經由公開的表決結果,評斷議員的政府表現,並在未來的選舉予以裁判。對事的投票要公諸選民,對人的投票當然也要!至於立法委員投票表現的政治責任,就讓選民來判斷吧 According to Parliamentary norms, Secret Ballot is employed in choosing candidates while Roll Call is often used in decisions about policies-making. The two ways in voting system as defined above can be adopted by people in genral voting among any meetings. However,would the norms have to be applied among legislators when they are choosing candidates?
The secret ballot is a voting method in which a votrt's choices are confidential. The key aim is to ensure the voter records a sincere choice by forestalling attempts to influence the voter by intimidation or bribery. Roll Call Vote is a public voting,in which the votors can respond to outsider's expectations,and outsiders are,then,allowed to influence votors by all means in the voting process. Legislator's performance in the parliament are not supposed to be kept as secret(unless in the secret meetings). In other world,legislators' being"in favor"or"against"in voting should be kept in record for people's knowledge. Legislators are nominated by political parties,elected and entrusted by people to supervise government.Therefore,roll call vote among legislators is indeed a reasonable norm.With the outcome of the roll call vote,the voters,parties,and press can further evaluate legislators,based on their political performance in public voting. The evaluation will serve as important reference for the next election.For legislators,any voting should be made public to people,not just in policies making but in choosing candidates. As for their political responsibility in voting,we would leave it to be judged by the voters in election!