楊柳為中國文學中非常重要的意象,既普遍又獨特。探討楊柳意象的「原型」(Archetype),可以了解其「普遍象徵」(universal symbols)意義,並從而掌握華夏民族的民族性。本文試從文字本意、物象形質及文化風俗著手,了解歷代對此物象之認知與應用,綜理楊柳意象的原始意義,及在文化活動中賦予的特殊意涵,並搜尋其在不同時代中具有的不同的意蘊,以掌握其來龍去脈,及各朝代不同的審美傾向。又楊柳受中國人所獨鍾,經歷代文人的創造,楊柳意象又衍生孳乳具不同文化背景的相關意象,另又與其他意象並存、融合,自成一系統,顯現楊柳意象是多層次、多樣的特色。楊柳不只是用以贈別念遠,其原型具變化而統一的藝術效果,且經長久積澱,其意象蘊含深厚豐美,含融中國人的文化根基,這些將在本文一一探討。 The willow is one of the very important images in the Chinese literature,both generally and unique.Studying willow image's Archetype, which helps us understand its universal symbol sufficiently. Thus it guides us to eralize the national characteristic of Chinese nations. This article will try to study the original meaning of characters, the physical image from dynasties regarding this physical image, the synthesis principle willow image's primitive significance, and the special meaning which exists in the cultural event, and searches for it in the different period drama different implication, and through various dynasty different esthetic tendency, which is fond of by Chinese scholars.Going through generations of writer's creation, willow image derivates multiplies related image, coexisting and blending with other images, which becomes a uniqus system. As a result, the willow image shows us its multi-layer, diverse features sufficiently in the Chinese cultural aspect. Also, the willow can be used to present farewell to friends and miss friends as well. The willow's archetype has the artistic effects of change and integration. Since it was passed down and accumulated for a long time, its image contains deep lush implication, including Chinese's cultural foundation. These characteristics of willow image will be discussed in this article seriously.