梁實秋主張文學表現基本或普遍的人性,是人性的描寫;文學要求紀律,就是以理性駕馭情感,以理性節制想像;文學是嚴肅的、有道德的目的。在創作上,主張簡單自然,強調割愛,贊同白話,但不廢文言,反對歐化的句法。 This article focused mainly on Liang Shih-Chiu's literary opinions.Liang Shih-Chiu adopted the standpoint of Irving Babbitt's classical criticism.According to his viewpoints,in literature,human nature should be restricted by reason,health,morality and universality,without disparity to different classes and time,but permanency.Concerning creative writing,he stressed simplicity,shearing the superfluous words and expressions.He approved the vernacular,opposed westernized syntax,but did not oppose the classical Chinese.