本計畫依教育部補助重點『培育當前產業需求重點科技人才』及學校既有基礎(團隊、設施、空間) 而規劃,其目的在提升本校教學品質,整合嘉南藥理科技大學藥理學院和民生學院之相關軟硬體資源,強化相關課程教學實驗設備,培訓生物產業及中草藥生技應用人才,規劃「中草藥生技應用與健康維護產學合作中心」,建立GLP 規格實驗室,擴增產學合作計畫數量,強化本校教學與研究品質,促進研究成果專利化、專利成果商品化,建立特色品牌產品,提昇「中草藥生技應用,加值健康維護產業新價值」,建立學校發展重點特色,並增加學生之就業率,並將產學成果儘速推廣與開發附加商品在健康維護產業,帶動經濟,以符合政府倡導之健康促進與健康維護的知識經濟產業時代新紀元。
本年度計畫規劃重點在於培育中草藥生技應用科技人才,強化中草藥生技產業研發能量,建構健康維護產學合作中心雛型。方法是先整合本校藥理學院與民生學院具有藥學、化學、天然物、化粧品、營養、食品及生物技術等專業師資,並藉由「加值生技與中草藥應用建立健康維護產學合作中心」之學校發展重點特色計畫,規劃設立各研發專區,添購新進軟硬體設備,投入健康照護新產品研發,部分成果已移轉至畢業生所組成之創業團隊;此外本計畫亦配合辦理各類推廣教育班、產業人才培訓班、中草藥生技學程、中草藥化粧品學程、藥物檢測科技學程、中草藥生技應用整合學程及保健食品學程等,培育中草藥生技應用科技人才,積極投入中草藥有效新成分製劑開發與在保健食品及美容產品之應用,強化傳統中草藥產業新能量,成為健康維護產學中心之發展主力。 This plan was conducted on the school current basis and the aims are to develop the school characteristic and also to promote the teaching qualities. Two major colleges including the college of Pharmacy and science and college of human ecology were involved in this plan. The software and hardware resources of the colleges were integrated. The goal is focused on the education of talented persons with the skills on the herbal and biotechnology applications.
This plan will setup a GLP lab and increase the number of cooperation cases with the industries. This plan will promote the development of health maintenance products, shorten the period of R&D and also increase the rates of job employment.
This year we will integrate the teachers with the background of pharmacy, chemistry, natural product, cosmetic, nutrient, food and biotechnology. Several research areas will be established. The hardware and software involved in the development of health maintenance products will be carried out. Some of the research products were delivered into the undertaking team of the graduated students. In addition, the extensional education class, industrial talented person training class and Chinese herbal training courses will also be managed. The students together with research teams are encouraged to develop new drugs, food and cosmetics with the application of Chinese herbal components.