癌症患者的營養狀況是影響疾病治療與生活品質的重要因素;因此,本研究係針對結直腸癌或乳癌患者經化療後,評估其飲食攝取、營養狀況及生活品質的變化並探討飲食影響因子,從而建立營養改善計畫。研究方法中除了收集患者基本資料外,並面對面進行問卷訪談,問卷內容包括:歐洲癌症研究與治療組織生活品質核心問卷(EORTC QLQ C30)及病患主觀性整體評估(PG-SGA)以及檢驗室採取血液樣本等方式收集相關資料。共71人全程參與本研究,結直腸癌38人與乳癌33人。研究顯示化療後結直腸癌患者體重較治療前顯著增加。乳癌患者化療後 PG-SGA整體營養狀況顯著較治療前差;其腸胃道症狀不適症狀(如:吞嚥困難、食慾不振、腹瀉等問題)最明顯。化療後乳癌患者 EORTC QLQ C30『功能狀態』之社會功能則顯著較化療前降低;『臨床症狀』顯著增加。結直腸患者化療後葉酸有顯著增加現象。此兩種癌症患者化療後血清鋅皆顯著降低。結直腸患者增加全穀類攝取,其營養狀況較維持者佳;而乳癌患者化療後增加或維持奶類攝取,其營養狀況較減少者佳。結直腸癌患者PG-SGA的改變對化療後生活品質的變化無顯著影響;但乳癌患者化療後PG-SGA轉差,且食慾不振的症狀較化療前顯著增加。本研究結果可以作為癌症患者營養介入計劃之依據。 The nutritional quality of cancer patients is a important influence on treatment performance and life quality. The consequences of malnutrition may include an increased risk of complications, decreased response and tolerance to treatment, a lower quality of life, reduced survival and higher health-care costs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate nutritional status and quality of life in colorectal or breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The findings of this research can help the hospital to establish education and consultation models for colorectal and breast cancer patients. 71 patients participated in this study. 38 patients (53.5%) were colorectal cancer and 33 patients (46.5%) were breast cancer. The result shows the mean weight of colorectal cancer patients after the chemotherapy significantly increase.The PG-SGA scores of breast cancer patients after the chemotherapy was decreased significantly and breast cancer patients after the chemotherapy had received chemotherapy reported problems with gastrointestinal disease, for example, poor appetite, constipation or diarrhea. The functional scales-social functioning scores of breast cancer patients after the chemotherapy from EORTC QLQ C30 test was decreased significantly and Symptom scales scores was increased significantly. Cancer sufferer after the chemotherapy the blood bio-chemical value's changing especially“zinc” be notable to reduce. Colorectal cancer patients who increase to take whole corn after chemotherapy had better nutritional status and breast cancer patients who increases to take maintains milk after the chemotherapy had better nutritional status. Whether PG-SGA scores of colorectal cancer patients change or not the quality of life was unchanged between pre and post chemotherapy. If PG-SGA scores became worse after the chemotherapy the chance of breast cancer patients to receive “constipation” was increased significantly. This origin studies conclusion is allowed to be the basis for the cancer patients‘s nourishment plan.