倫理係一社會化過程之產物,亦即使個人合乎社會道倫生活之社會人的過程。吾人欲藉倫理以維持社會道德之存續;另方面,社會制度亦決定倫理之型式;社會變遷影響倫理之內容;社會理想建立倫理之目標。本文嘗試以大學之至善社會型態,以啟示現代社會進逐物質生活的迷思,復以規範倫理之觀點,釐清當前社會問題產生之癥結。同時,藉助社會學之觀點,瞭解現代社會因快速變遷所造成之不穩定現象,並強調倫理維繫社會綱常之重要性,將之為賓在客現代生活中,以建構一個理想之社會。 For Person, ethics is the product of socialization process, by which, it can make a person be a social man. For society, ethics maintains the continuity of social character, to promote and create social culture; the other, social institutions decide the types of ethics; social change influences the contents of ethics, We try to explain the best society type of Daxue, and point the myth of chasing material life in modern society. Second, we try to clarify the happenings of social problems from these points of normative ethics. In the meanwhile, we try to get the aids of Sociology's concepts to penetrate the disorders of modern society due to fast change. At last, we emphasize the importance of ethics maintaining society regulatlons, Then, let it be established in the life of objective society and construct an ideal society.