本研究目的,擬以問卷方式,調查與了解專科學校學生其生活型態為何,執行健康促進行為的狀況為何,作為初步調查之資料,以提供學校進行健康促進計劃之具體參考與建議。本研究以台南、高雄地區之專科學生為對象,先抄錄各專科學校,及專科學院之名單,隨機抽取台南地區五所學校,高雄地區五所學校,總共十校,再以分層集束抽樣抽取五專低年級、高年級、二專部各一班,進行問卷施測。共得有效樣本1,217人。主要研究結果為:青少年的七種健康促進行為中,以不無良菸酒嗜好行為之得分最高,其次依新為人際支持、自我實現、壓力調適、飲食行為,實施最差的兩項為醫藥保健、運動行為。 A questionnaire was conducted to exam and understand Junior college students'life style and health promotion behaviors and variables which influence their practices of these behaviors. One thousand and two hundred seventeen Junior college students across dlfferent grades from ten schools in southern Taiwan participated in this study.Results of this study showed that the mean score of health promotion behavior was 3.32. For measures of seven dimensions of health promotion behaviors, "no drinking and smoking" had the highest mean score which was followed by interpersonal supportive behavior, self-practice, stressmanagement, and untrition in order. Two dimensions with lower mean scores were health reponsibility and exercise.