紫外線長期之照射會對皮膚有相當嚴重的傷害,在紫外線的三個波段(UVA,UVB,UVC)中,又以UVB的影響最為嚴重,為了避免紫外線的傷害,一般人都是以撐傘或是戴帽子來防止,除了這兩種方法外,使用防曬劑來避免紫外線的照射是最好的方法了。目前市面上所販賣的防曬化妝品相當多,有的有標示防曬係數(SPF),有的則沒有標示,並且都標榜其有實際的防曬功能。防曬化妝品是否都像廠商自己所標示的那樣的具有實際的防曬功能呢?這是在本研究中所要探討的。 本研究採用天竺鼠為研究對象,測定防曬化妝品之SPF值。結果顯示市面上之防曬化粧品大多具有防曬能力。但是實際所擁有之防曬能力,似乎與其所標示之SPF值有一段差距,尤其是SPF值標示越大的,差距就越大。另外在研究過程中,我們也發現不同基劑之使用,對SPF值也有相當之影響性。 Chronic UV irradiation profoundly damages the skin of human and animal. These alterations were thought to be irreverdible. UVB radiation (280-315 nm) can cause erythema, skin cancer,and dermal connective tissue damage. For protecting the skin against sun exposure, it Is necessary for everyone to use sunscreens. Hence, the ability of sunscreen to protect ultraviolet damage to the skin is very important for consumers. For assessing the ability of suncreen to protect ultraviolet damage to the skin, guinea plg was used to be a study model. The guinea pigs were irradiated with UVB. Topical sunscreens are usually assessed by means of the sun protection factor (SPF), which compares the minimal erythema dose (MED) of protected normal skln with the MED of unproteced normal skin. The results showed that all of sunscreens possessed the ability of prevention of ultra-violet damage, but the SPF of most sunscreens present lower than the SPF of products labeled.