摘要: | 台灣素有水果王國與蘭花王國的稱號,若能開發此類農產品額外的附加價值,應用在美容保養品等方面,可提升台灣農業的市場與競爭力,亦符合消費者訴求健康、天然、低危害之趨勢。
結果顯示,龍眼與香蕉萃取物在抗氧化方面有不錯的效果,其DPPH清除能力分別為:龍眼皮、龍眼子、未成熟香蕉萃取物EA層(8,8,9 μg/mL);而在TEAC部分分別為:龍眼皮、龍眼子、未成熟香蕉萃取物EA層(7.5,6.4,25 μg/mL);在DNA保護效果上未成熟香蕉萃取物EA層在低濃度(>0.6 mg/mL)就有超過80%的保護效果;再過氧化氫清除能力中龍眼皮、龍眼子、未成熟香蕉萃取物EA層,成熟香蕉皮,等4種萃取物其 SC50 (0.02 , 0.012 , 0.104 , 0.113 mg/mL)均較維他命C (0. 167 mg/mL) 低。
保濕方面,香蕉萃取物顯示了良好的保濕性,在鎖水能力未成熟香蕉皮水層、成熟香蕉果實、成熟香蕉皮比甘油增加其能力,改善率分別為:未成熟香蕉皮水層 32.9%,成熟香蕉果實 30.6%,成熟香蕉皮15.2%;而皮膚含水度則增進了大於20%的改善率。增合上述幾點,龍眼與香蕉有潛力開發作為化粧品原料。 Taiwan has long been known as the Kingdom of fruit orchids and the Kingdom of the title, if the development of such additional value-added agricultural products, used in beauty care products, such as a major contributing factor, it may be hard to upgrade Taiwan's agricultural market and competitiveness, is also in line with the demands of the health of consumers, as well as natural low against the trend.
With this study, three different positions - longan、banana and orchid extract, and to explore its activity in the application of cosmetics.
In the protective effect on DNA extracts of immature banana EA layer at low concentrations (> 0.6 mg / mL ), there are more than 80% of the protective effect; a few hydrogen peroxide scavenging capacity in the long eyelids, longan son EA extract immature banana layer, a mature banana peel, and its four kinds of extracts of SC50 (0.02, 0.012, 0.104, 0.113 ) than those of vitamin C (0. 167) low.
Moisture, the banana extract showed a good moisture and water in the lock banana water capacity of immature and mature banana fruit, ripe banana skin dry by increasing their ability to improve the rates were: immature banana water Layer 32.9%, 30.6% of fruit ripe banana, ripe banana 15.2%; and degree of skin moisture is increased more than 20% improvement rate. All the above point by face, longan and banana has the potential to develop as a cosmetic raw material. |