本研究同時採用量性與質性研究設計,擬以兩年期程,分別探討老人社會參與狀況及其生活調適成功過程,第一年採用量性方式探討社區老人生活中的社會參與模式,根據Erikson 的自我發展論 (Erikson, 1986)中,老人角色功能與自我統整,作為老人成功調適生活的代表,並從中探尋老人參與社會的行為類型。第二年計畫著重於探討老人生活調適的成功經歷及其社會參與之作用,涉及老人生命歷程的詮釋,故採用質性研究方法。本研究第一年先選取台南及高雄地區中的六個具農漁村及都會類型之鄉鎮市區為調查研究社區,以採機率方式抽出社區中65歲以上的老人樣本,進行問卷調查。第二年則採用前述之調查基礎,分別從不同類型社區中,找出符合成功調適生活並參與社會之老人(每一類型社區至少10人),做為本研究第二年質性訪談之樣本個案,訪談內容係以Baltes所提出之SOC成功老化模式為設計藍本,輔以Lawton的人境互動觀點,以驗證老人成功調適老化過程中必經的社會參與歷程。藉此研究將有助於落實原居安老的服務理念。 The aim of this study is to exploring the social participant behavior and the successful process of life adaptation in elders. This study period is two years which will combine quantitative and qualitative research method. The first year purpose is to investigate the typology of social participation of elder’s life with quantitative method, which base on the Erikson’s self-development theory . We use the probability samples to collect data by questionnaire, and the elder samples are come from the six community of farm-fishing type village and urban city in Tainan and Kaohsung area. And than we continue the second year research, the cases of deeply visiting are invited if his /her life sounds so alive and successful from 1st stage survey. We are follow the Baltes’s Model of SOC and Lawton’s PEI approach to testing the dynamic course of life adaptation with successful social participant, which is expected to build the ideal situation of successful and safety aging in place.