本研究主要目的在於從空間認知的觀點來探討都市公園之使用行為。本研究計畫為二年期計畫,第一年首先透過文獻整理的方式,進行理論與相關研究的探討,並以此為基礎,建立理論體系及分析架構,包括擬定一個系統性的架構來掌握關鍵影響因子,及使用行為關係分析架構,進而建置一個都市公園使用行為之影響關係模型。第二年則接續前年度計畫成果,透過理論的導引,進一步深化研究的過程,利用行為者基礎模型,建構都市公園使用模型,以期能更完整的模擬都市公園之使用行為,作為相關研究及規劃之基礎。本研究將以台南市為例進行實證研究。 The aim of this study is to probe into the users’ behavior of urban park from the viewpoint of spatial cognition. This is a two-year study. The theoretical system and analytic frameworks will completed at the first year through documents studies, theories analysis and related references comparison. The analytic frameworks including three components, the first one is to master the key factors of users’ behavior of urban park , the second one is to approach the behavior relationships, and consequently is to establish the structural equation model of the relation between urban park and users’ behavior. By way of the results of the first year plan and the relevant theories, the main task of the second year is to establish an integrated analysis for the relation between urban park and users’ behavior. We hope it would be more complete simulation and forecast of simulate users’ behavior for urban park through this study, and helpful to the relevant studies. Tainan City is an empirical case to exam the feasibility of the whole models.