本研究「轉向:1980 年代後日本通省官僚和產業政策的變遷」目的是,探究在二次大戰後,形塑日本經濟奇蹟體制的通產省在什麼時候、什麼情況下,開始認為自己參與建立的日本政治經濟體制,無法維持日本的經濟發展,而有必要進行改革,而通產省官僚又做了什麼改革,如何推動改革。在這個主要研究目的之下,本文以通產省負責的產業政策為研究焦點,由產業政策想要達成的目標、執行手段,產業政策的決策和執行過程、產業政策實行的結果,以採取的比較個案研究方法,探究通產省官僚和日本產業政策的轉向,深入分析日本政經體制轉型中的官僚轉型層面 This research proposal “Turn Around: the Changes of MITI Bureaucrats and Japanese Industrial Policies since 1980s” investigates the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) as a helper, coordinator behind the scene of post WWII high economic development in Japan, when and how to rethink the advantages and disadvantages of Japanese political economy, under what internal and external conditions. And while MITI bureaucrats blame the political economy built by themselves for the economic crisis of 1990s, what are their reform programs and how to be enforced. The main theme of this proposal therefore focus on the “turn around” of MITI’ s industrial policies: the first is how MITI’s economic ideology transits to market/economic liberalism from post-war’s developmentalism; the second is the interactions and bargains between MITI bureaucrats and other actors, such as politicians and businessmen, during the transition. For the sake of understanding and analyzing the bureaucratic dimension of political economic transformation in Japan, this research uses the method of comparative cases studies to exam the goals, instruments and procedures of industrial policies before and after.