隨著醫療產業環境的轉變,傳統的行銷策略已無法應付現代環境之需求,而是需發展以顧客為導向的顧客關係管理,但是由於其流程的複雜度,希望有效推行醫療顧客關係管理,有其相當的困難度,而如何決定醫療顧客需求是其主要重點。因此,如果能夠從顧客關係管理策略層次加以思考,從而釐定其未來顧客需求的發展方向,此需求方向則較為穩定與不易產生重大變化,則其據以而發展的顧客關係管理與其相對應之資訊系統,將確保較能符合未來顧客的需求。因此,本研究提出以顧客關係管理策略之觀點決定其醫療消費者需求特性,以有效解決此問題,顧客關係管理策略包含顧客取得、顧客保留、及策略性顧客服務,而醫療消費者需求特性則包含醫院行銷組合特質、醫院特質。及醫療消費者個人特質。並針對地區級以上醫院高階主管進行問卷調查,實證結果發現,國內醫療產業較其他一般產業對於顧客關係管理策略的執行程度高;再者,採用不同的顧客關係管理策略對於醫療消費者需求特性具有顯著的差異。 The recent change of healthcare industry environment has caused traditional marketing not well fitting the contemporary requirement and rather than, must develop customer-oriented customer relationship management (CRM). However, there is quite difficulty to effectively implement CRM due to the complexity of this process. The main consideration of this problem is how to effectively decide the direction of customer requirements. If the decision can be initiated from the level of CRM strategy, it will be more stable and not frequent to make change. Consequently, it will guarantee the future success of implementing CRM. Therefore, this research proposed such a framework to effectively solve this problem. The CRM strategies can be identified as customer acquisition, customer retention, and strategic customer service and medical customer requirements as marketing mix characteristics, hospital characteristics, and consumer characteristics. The results from empirical study indicated that the implementation degree of CRM in healthcare industry is quite advanced as compared with general industry and further, the adoption of different CRMs will be deviated from each other for customer requirements.