本研究之主要目的在探討女子競技體操選手害怕失敗動機與完美主義之相闕,以參加95年全國中等學校運動會以及全國大專運動會選手,共計72人作爲研究對象,平均年齡17.96歲,國家級選手19人、非國家級選手53人。本研究以「個人基本資料問卷」、「表現失敗評估量表(PFAI)」、「多層面完美主義量表(MPS)」等三種研究工具,經描述統計(Descriptive Statistics)、卡方檢定(Chi-square)、獨立樣本t考驗(Independent t-test)以及皮爾森積差相關(Pearson correlation)分析,所得結果如下:女子競技體操選手害怕表現失敗與完美主義之相關分析呈現顯著相關。女子競技體操選手在主觀的成就情境中,認爲害怕面對羞辱和困窘的因素,是遭受到失敗或是不成功時的心境感覺最爲強烈。女子競技體操選手在多層面完美主義六個向度的認同程度以父母期望最顯著。國家級優秀選手與非國家級的選手在PFAI與MPS的看法並無顯著差異。 The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between fear of failure and perfectionism in woman gymnastic athletes. The samples of this research are 72 high school and college athletes participating in the 2006 national gymnastic competition. The average age of the samples is 17.96 years old, including 19 national level gymnasts and 53 non-national level gymnasts. The data of this research are collected from three questionnaires: "Basic Personal Information", "PFAI" and "MPS". The analysis methods used in is research are DS, CS, ITT and Pearson Correlation. Following are the conclusion of this research: There is a significant relationship between the fear of failure and perfectionism in the woman gymnasts. In all the feelings of subjective accomplishment, the fear of facing humiliation and awkwardness because of failure is the strongest feeling of a woman gymnast. In six perfectionism multi-dimensional recognitions, Parents' Expectation is the most significant one. There is no significant difference between national level and non-national level gymnasts in their view of PFAI and MPS.