溫泉資源對於台灣休閒產業而言,不僅僅是提供泡湯的功能,亦是許多遊憩地區的主要行銷特點:由於現代人生活水準的提升,對於休閒活動亦越來越重視,此外目前結合休閒與養生之風氣,致使溫泉市場持續成長,然而溫泉產業在經營管理方面,目前呈現多頭馬車與各自為政的狀態。如何使溫泉產業更有效能的發展係為本文之研究目的,因此,本文以關仔嶺溫泉產業為主體,探討其發展延革、面臨課題、發展趨勢等,並輔以國內外相關案例給予整體發展的建議與策略,希冀促使關仔嶺溫泉產業更進一步發展。 溫泉資源對於台灣休閒產業而言,不僅僅是提供泡湯的功能,亦是許多遊憩地區的主要行銷特點;由於現代人生活水準的提升,對於休閒活動亦越來越重視,此外目前結合休閒與養生之風氣,致使溫泉市場持續成長。然而溫泉產業在經營管理方面,目前呈現多頭馬車與各自為政的狀態,如何使溫泉產業更有效能的發展係為本文之研究目的,因此,本文以關子嶺溫泉產業為主體,探討其發展沿革、面臨課題、發展趨勢等,並輔以國內外相關案例給予整體發展的建議與策略,希冀促使關子嶺溫泉產業更進一步發展。 The function of hot spring to the leisure industry in Taiwan is not only provides SPA, but also the marketing characteristic. Owing the level of living promotion, the leisure activity is getting much attention, meanwhile, the atmosphere of the leisure and the keeping in good health maintain the growth of hot spring market. However, there are tangles and conflicts in the management of the hot spring industry in Taiwan. The main purpose of this study is to make the management of the hot spring industry efficiency. Thus, we pro into the development, issues, and tendency of Guan-Zi-Ling hot spring industry, and the experiences of foreign cases to make the suggestion and the strategy to make Guan-Zi-Ling hot spring industry more affluent.