摘要: | 本研究利用衛生署國民健康局於1993年至1999年所進行的「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」,探討一九九○年代台灣功能障礙老人的家庭照顧現況及其照顧資源的變遷,以暸解面對未來長期照護需要快速增加時,非正式部門肩負照顧任務之可利用性。本研究發現,在1989年至1999年間,台灣功能障礙老人以女性、本省族群、年齡愈高及教育程度愈低者,ADLs功能障礙盛行率愈高,且以五至六項與輕度功能障礙為主。家庭照顧者主要由女性擔任,但比率已逐年緩慢地下降。歷年家庭照顧的比率無太大變動,無人照顧逐年降低,而轉由非家庭成員的其他人提供照顧則逐年增加。換言之,整體的功能障礙老人受到照顧有逐年增加的趨勢。但是,隨功能障礙程度惡化,由子女照顧的比率已逐年下跌,而轉而由其他人提供照顧的比率則大幅增加。
本研究同時發現,功能障礙老人的人口社經特質將影響其獲得的照顧方式。當其年齡愈高或喪偶,由配偶轉為子女媳婿照顧的機率愈高。男性功能障礙老人多由其女性配偶提供照顧,女性功能障礙老人則多由子女媳婿照顧。住在都市化程度較高地區者,由子女媳婿照顧的機率明顯較高。老人的功能障礙狀況愈差,與配偶或子女媳婿同住的可能性亦愈高,當然較可能由家庭提供照顧。再者,家庭照顧者的特質亦會影響照顧的提供。女性照顧者遠較男性為多,子女數量愈少,愈可能由配偶提供照顧,但是子女數量的多寡對於是否由子女媳婿提供照顧的影響則不明顯。另外,子女的婚姻和就業狀況均會對照顧的提供產生影響。最後文末並提出相關的政策意涵。 This study finds that the prevalence of the disabilities of activities of daily life (ADLs), during 1989 to 1999 in Taiwan, was higher among the elderly group of female, Taiwan-born, older, and less educated, and that the severity of disabilities was mainly light with 5-6 items of ADLs impairment. The family caregivers were mostly female, but the gender inequality was declined gradually. The proportion of family caregiving for the disabled elderly hasn't changed much. Nevertheless, the proportion of the ones receiving no care services was decreasing stepwise; instead, the proportion of care given by non-family-persons is increasing year by year. The socio-economic characteristics of disabled elderly also influenced their care arrangements. When the disabled elderly got older or widow, the children and children's spouse would replace for giving care. The male disabled elderly were often cared by their female spouses, but the female ones were cared by their children or children's spouses. At more urbanized area, the possibility that care by the children and children's spouses were higher significantly. The more declined the elderly functional abilities were, the more possible it was for them to co-reside with their spouses or with their offspring. Thus, it's also more possible for them to receive the family care. Furthermore, the characteristics of the family caregivers affected the caregiving for the disabled elderly. Female family members care the disabled elderly more often than male ones. For the elderly with fewer children, it's more possible to be cared by the spouses than by the children. However, the amounts of children didn't have much influence on the possibilities of providing care to their disabled parents. Besides, children's marriage and employment status also impacted on how children became the caregivers. At the end of this study, some policy implications are derived. |