本研究的目的在探討科技大學學生運動員知覺教練的領導行為與壓力處理能力之相關性。研究中使用運動員領導量表與心理因應技能量表,來檢測教練的領導行為與運動員對壓力處理的能力。結果發現,運動員的壓力來源與處理壓力能力,與教練的領導方式有關。教練對於男女運動員的領導方式不同,男性運動員教練,在訓練上使用較多的專制領導行為。另一方面,教練也會因運動項目的不同,採取不同的領導行為。本研究建議教練如能將自己的角色提升為領導者,積極培養自己領導的技能,激發運動員的學習動機,時時給予運動員關心與獎勵,將能激發運動員的潛力,並培育出更多優秀的學生運動選手。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between student-athletic’ perceived coach’s leadership behaviors and coping skills at one university in southern Taiwan. The participants were asked to complete a single survey booklet including two instruments and a demographic questionnaire. The Leadership Scale for Sports was used to assess the leadership behavior of coaches. The Athletic Coping Skills measured students-athletic’ coping skills. The results showed that there was a relationship between student-athletic’ perceived coach’s leadership styles and coping skills. Male coach preferred autocratic behavior. Moreover, gender and sports category showed significant differences in coach leadership behaviors. The results suggest that coaches must identify themselves as a leader and improve their leadership skills in order to lead, inspire, and motive student-athletic become a better athletic.