目標:以調查研究法(Survey),提出衡量臨床醫師對於使用醫學影像儲傳系統(Picture Archiving and Communication System, PACS)之滿意度指標。方法:研究架構主要是以Doll和 Torkzadeh於1988所發展資訊的內容、資訊的正確性、資訊的輸出格式、容易使用與即時性等五大構面之終端電腦使用者滿意(EUCS, End user computing satisfaction)衡量指標以及資訊系統之「服務品質」構面為基礎,研究對象為南部某醫學中心之臨床科醫師。結果:研究問卷共發出364份,回收有效問卷174份,回收率為47.8%。因素分析後共萃取出包含18項變數之3個因素可用於衡量臨床醫師對於PACS之使用滿意度。結論:3個因素依內容特性命名為「資訊品質」、「系統品質」與「服務品質」,與DeLone和McLean於2003所提之資訊系統成功模式之概念相符合。研究結果亦發現,不同科別對於「資訊品質」之滿意度沒有顯著差異,但是「系統品質」與「服務品質」則顯示內科的滿意度高於外科。 Objectives: The purpose of this research is to develop structured indicators in order to measure clinicians’ satisfaction with PACS. Methods: This research framework is mainly based on the five constructs of the Doll and Torkzadeh’s model of end user computing satisfaction (EUCS). The sixth construct, information system service quality, is taken from literature review and practical observation. Results: Out of 364 questionnaires that were sent to the clinicians of a medical center, 174 valid ones were returned, which showed a high response rate of 47.8%. After factor analysis processing, three factors with 18 measurement items were extracted, which were used to measure clinicians’ satisfaction toward using PACS. Conclusions: The results from the questionnaires revealed that there were three predominant quantification factors, which were named “information quality,” “system quality” and “service quality,” and are similar to the concept expressed in the DeLone and McLean’s updated IS Success Model. The results of this study also show there is no difference in satisfaction among different clinical departments regarding the information quality; however, clinicians of internal medicine showed a higher satisfaction than surgeons for system quality and service quality.