本研究主要目的是以了解棒球比賽時各項攻擊成績與比賽勝率間之關係。研究對象以我國甲組成棒94、95、96 年春季聯賽所屬參賽球隊,各項攻擊成績以打擊率、上壘率、長打率為主要範圍。經皮爾森相關係數分析得知,除了打擊率(相關係數為0.26)與勝率間未逹顯著相關外,長打率(相關係數為0.54)與上壘率(相關係數為0.58)均逹顯著水準,並且長打率與上壘率之相關係數為0.88 為高強度之正相關,打擊率與上壘率(0.33)及長打率(0.32)皆呈中度正相關。經研究結果發現打擊率的高低對於球隊的勝率並無多大的影響,主要是長打率及上壘率的提升才有助於比賽時勝率的提升。 The purpose of the study is to reveal the correlation between the batting statistics and game winning percentage in baseball. The research involves the teams of Division A in Taiwan participating in the Spring Baseball Tournament in the years 2005, 2006 and 2007.
The batting statistics we refer to in this research are batting average (BA), on base percentage (OBP) and slugging average (SLG). According to the analysis of Pearson correlation coefficient, in spite of no positive correlation between BA and winning percentage, SLG (correlation coefficient is 0.574) and OBP (correlation coefficient is 0.578) both reach significantly positive correlation.
The correlation between SLG and OBP is 0.880 which is highly positive correlated. The correlation between BA and OBP is intermediately positively correlated, and so is that
between BA and SLG.
The result of the research shows the BA has no significant influence on the winning percentage; on the contrary, the enhancement of SLG and OBP increase the game winning percentage.