專科學校在最近幾年產生相當大的轉變,嘉南藥理科技大學從民國89年改制成科技大學至今,轉型中的圖書館也積極朝著成為「大學圖書館」而努力。為了滿足讀者需求與提供讀者更好的服務,本文經由讀者推薦記錄、圖書借閱記錄、文獻傳遞服務件數、館際互借與複印流通記錄以及線上資訊檢索狀況,瞭解館藏資源使用情形並與現有館藏作分析比較,進而歸納出幾點意見作為圖書館館藏發展之參考依據,也提供其他科技大學圖書館有興趣的同道參考之用。 Technological and vocational schools have been changing in recent years . One of them , Chia-Nan , has been successfully transformed into technological university in 2000 . The school library has also been forced to switch from a small traditional one into a larger more efficient academic library . In order to provide better services for the students and faculty members , The purpose of this research was to evaluate user information needs by analyzing data of users ' recommendation , circulation , interlibrary loan , document delivery service and online information retrieval system . Comparison of patrons ' needs and current holdings are also made to provide the information for school library collection development '