本研究目的在了解大高雄地區國小學童之不利健康生活型態及其相關因素。利用九十四年度高雄市菸害防制暨吸菸行為調查研究資料,進行次級資料分析,研究對象為就讀於高雄市國小二年級、三年級及五年級學童,資料以描述性統計及卡方分配進行分析。研究結果發現,學童不利健康生活型態現況,在不良生活習慣方面,以熬夜、長時間看電視及長時問打電玩居多;不良飲食習慣方面,以吃宵夜及吃速食居多;不良口腔衛生習慣者佔7.5%。影響學童不利健康生活型態其顯著相關因素分別為學童因素之性別及年級;父母因素為管教方式為主要影響變項,其次為教育程度及父親的宗教信仰;父母不良行為方面,曾經想過自殺的父母親,其孩子不利健康生活型態表現偏為負向;家庭因素以家人互動影響最為顯著。綜上可知,由於家庭與父母對兒童的影響甚深,因此建議政府能透過社區多舉辦兼具健康促進與休閒娛樂的親子活動,並鼓勵父母多陪同子女參與,使家長能以身作則,並培養學童正確的健康行為。 The purpose of this study was to explore the factor of unhealthy lifestyles of childhoods and the related factors in Kaohsiung area. Participants were grade two, three , and five level pupils stratified from five primary schools in Kaohsiung area . The statistic Package SPSS for PC 12.0 version were used for description and X2 statistic analysis . Research findings indicate that ' stay up late , watch TV and play computer game for a long time are the most popular unhealthy lifestyles among childhood . The most popular unhealthy diet habit of childhood were eating night snacks and junk food . Over7.5% of childhoods have bad mouth hygiene . In addition , the factors of affect child ,s health lifestyle includes child 's sex and school grade , parents ' ferules types , education levels , intent to suicide , and religion types . Besides , the study results exhibit the family interaction had also significant relationship with child ' s unhealthy lifestyle . In conclude , because of the family and parents will influence on child ,s habit and behavior so we propose the government should to hold more parent-child activity of combine health Promotion , health education and leisure relaxation in community , to encourage parents participant and keep child company. Parents have to set a good example for cultivate right and healthy habit with their children .