本研究旨在探討外籍配偶家庭學前兒童語言發展及家庭閱讀環境,研究樣本為10 位就讀於台南縣一所托兒所、年齡在46 到83 個月之問的外籍配偶家庭兒童。每名兒童分別接受修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗及學前兒童語言障礙評量兩種標準化測驗,並分析兒童在說故事情境中語料之平均語句長度(MLU),同時輔以檢核表了解其家庭閱讀環境。
研究結果發現本研究對象在兩種標準化語言測驗分數及說故事互動情境中的MLU (字)及MLU (詞)均明顯較同年齡的常模或先前研究中的本國兒童低落。閱讀環境方面,無論在閱讀教材及閱讀指導方面,均有不足的現象。根據研究發現,本研究提出外籍配偶家庭兒童語言學習方案之建議。 The main purpose of this study was to examine the language development and home literacy environment of children who were born in the families of foreign brides. There were 10 children from a nursery school in Tainan County, age range 46 to 83 month-old, participated in the present study Children's language ability were assessed by two standardized measurements: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R) and Language Disorder scale for Preschoolers Test. Mean length of utterance (MLU) was calculated from productions elicited in story telling interaction context. Participants ' family’s literacy environment was also investigated by checklist .
Results indicated significantly lower language test scores and shorter MLUs and MLUw for the participants as compared to the same age norm and native-speaking children in earlier study. Their parent’s guidance to book-reading and reading materials were also insufficient. Finally, suggestions based on results were discussed concerning language learning program .