魏晉時候,由於政治的動盪,士人意識到時空環境已經改變,故將儒道融合,形成了新的聖人理想,他們照樣“內聖外王”,只是這個儒道會通的聖人,與先秦儒學中的聖人,懸殊甚大,其內涵就在一群玄學家的思辯中,塑造了新的形象及風貌。而漢代的聖人觀,就這個轉變中扮演了舉足輕重的角色。漢代聖人的特質,如同先秦一般,仍是個理想的君主,仍是德業兼備的崇高人格,只是隨著政治型態的轉變,及學術環境的變遷,儒家的聖人形象逐漸融合了道家、法家,甚至加上陰陽五行⋯⋯等駁雜的內容,而形成了不同的面貌。本文即就漢代的部分予以論析,並說明儒家的“聖人觀”是如何從先秦轉化至魏晉的。 In Wei Jin, the intellectuals were conscious of the vicissitudes of space-time circumstances for the reason of political unrest. So they melted the thought of Confucianism and Taoism. But the thought of Sang in Wei Jin were quite different from pre-Qin. However the thought of Sang in Han were the important turning point in the period of time. Although the Sang in Han still had the characteristics of “inwardly a sang and outwardly a king”, they all had both characteristics of morality and career. In fact, they already changed owing to varies reasons, and the most important is that the thought of Taoist school had got the soil and atmosphere for developing further. Therefore, the characteristics of Sang were merged Confucianism and Taoism, and had influence on Sang’s theory of Wei Jin. All the conditions are what I try to find out in this article.