中國神話中的「嫦娥奔月」是一個家喻戶曉的故事,從先秦到唐代,嫦娥的神話形象歷經多重衍變。先是偷服不死之藥的后羿之妻,在飛奔入月後,則傳說變成蟾蜍,或又成為玉兔,最後定型為民間拜月信仰的月神之一。其中和常儀、常羲、尚儀、西王母、女媧等神話人物之間的承遞轉和、複染交疊的演化過程,是本文所要探討的重點。而月宮中為何出現吳剛伐桂神話?嫦娥、西王母和女媧均被民間信仰奉為月神,但三位被尊為月神的理由卻各有異同,其中同異何在?又同樣是月神,女媧可以兼扮禖神,嫦娥卻不行,原因為何?本文將一一加以探析。 “Ch’ang ’E flied to the moon”is a famous story in Chinese myth. From pre-Qing to Tang dynasty, there are several complex change in mythical image of Ch’ang ’E. She was the wife of Hou Yi. Ch’ang ’E stole the magical edicine and ate it, then she flied to the moon. On the moon, she changed into a toad, and turned into a rabbit later. At last she became the god of moon. Lots of confused and multiplex changeable process are between Ch’ang ’E and Ch’ang ’I, Ch’ang Xi, Shang ’I, Xi Wang Mu, Nu Wa. It is the focal point in this paper. And why Wu Gang cut the laurel again and again on the moon? Ch’ang ’E, Xi Wang Mu, Nu Wa all the same were the god of moon. Why did
they become the god of moon? The reasons were different of them. Why could Nu Wa also become the god of atchmaker? But Ch’ang ’E could not . It would be discussed in this paper.