本研究旨在探討高職生的情緒智慧現況,以及其情緒調整策略。本研究使用橫斷法,依北中南三區分層的叢集取樣,共抽取8所台灣地區高職學校共1964名學生施測樣本,問卷調查主要採用自編「高職生情緒經驗問卷」測量高職生的情緒智慧及其情緒調整策略。研究發現:高職生的情緒智慧狀況大致不錯,自我情緒智慧高於人際情緒智慧;高職生感覺到心情好的最主要原因為人際關係;心情好時通常傾向會自己開心並與別人分享;感覺到心情不好的最主要原因為人際關係、學業、家庭;心情不好時通常傾向會轉變自己的想法和心情;想要讓自己心情變好時的主要選擇為放鬆分心;心情不好時通常選擇獨自處理;當想要找人讓心情變好時主要選擇朋友;想要讓別人心情變好時選擇為給予支持;認為要讓心情變好的最佳處理方式為放鬆分心;對於自己平常情緒或反應的評價為尚稱不錯。 The purpose of the study was to explore the development of vocational school student's emotional intelligence and their emotional regulation strategies. The study proposed that emotional intelligence means one's ability to deal with emotional matters, containing intrapersonal emotional intelligence and interpersonal emotional intelligence. Thus emotional intelligence could be sorted as four categories. The study developed and used Questionnaire of Vocational School Student's Emotional Experience to measure 1964 vocational school students in Taiwan with cross-sectional method. The
sample concerned different background of sex and grade and its balance. Before the measuring, the study proceeded interview for some subjects above to understand their emotional thinking, experience and emotional regulation strategies in advance in order to create the Questionnaire. The study reached some conclusions below, the emotional intelligence of vocational school students in Taiwan are above average level, the main cause to make subjects have good mood and bad
mood is interpersonal relationship , when subjects in bad mood are tend to change own thinking and mood, the main method and ideal method to better mood is to relax themselves, when subjects are in bad mood choose to deal with it by themselves, they tend to choose friends to better their mood, the best choice to better others’ mood is to support others, the status they evaluate their emotional regulation strategies is good.