本研究以實廠ABS 製程未經處理之水樣,利用瓶杯試驗進行操作,尋求最佳Fenton法之試劑量及反應時間,反應過程中控制pH=3、室溫30℃。結果顯示Fenton法處理ABS製程廢水其H2O2/Fe2+=4000 ppm/2000 ppm、反應時間160min為本實驗之最佳劑量及反應時間。由上述所得最佳劑量及反應時間之結果再進行六種不同方案之操作,利用不同方案對DCOD去除率與H2O2剩餘濃度之影響進行比較。方案A:以批次反應加入H2O2濃度4000 ppm與Fe2+濃度2000 ppm,經快混2 min後持續慢混。方案B:以批次反應加入H2O2濃度4000 ppm與Fe2+濃度2000 ppm ,經快混2 min後持續慢混,最後40min靜置沉澱。方案C:以批次反應加入H2O2濃度4000 ppm 與Fe2+濃度2000 ppm,全程持續快混。方案D:先加入H2O2濃度4000 ppm,再分四個時段將Fe2+逐步加入(每間隔40 min加入Fe2+濃度500 ppm ),經快混2 min後持續慢混。方案E:先加入Fe2+濃度2000 ppm,再分四
個時段將H2O2逐步加入(每間隔40 min加入H2O2濃度1000 ppm ),經快混2 min後持續慢混。方案F:分四個時段逐步加入H2O2與Fe2+(每間隔40 min加入H2O2濃度1000 ppm、Fe2+濃度500 ppm ),經快混2 min 後持續慢混。由六種方案之實驗結果得知,就整體DCOD去除率之比較上為方案F (73.6%)>方案E (69.4%)>方案D (67.9%)>方案A (62.3%)˜方案B (62.2%)>方案C (57.1%)。研究結果顯示,Fenton試劑添加方式對處理效率有顯著
之影響,逐段添加較一次添加高約16%之去除率。過度攪拌如轉速太快或攪拌過久均會降低處理效率。以上研究數據結果,可作為後續實場應用之相關參考依據。 Fenton reaction of petroleum-chemical industrial wastewater was evaluated in this study. This study was mainly focused on the effects of different reagent addition approaches, batch or sequential dose and addition timing, and operating modes on the treatment of wastewater. DCOD was used as the parameter for the assessment. The pHs of samples were adjusted and fixed at pH 3. Experiments were carried out under room temperature and a jar test apparatus was used. The experiments were conducted in six different operating modes corresponding to various arrangements. For all runs, total dosage of 4000 mg/L Fe2+ and 2000 mg/L H2O2 was added, and the total reaction time was 160 minutes. Six different processes were noted as follows. A-Fe2+ and H2O2 were together added when Fenton reaction starts. Sample was maintained well mixed at 100 rpm for 2 minutes followed by 30 rpm for 158 minutes. B-Adding Fenton reagent as run A. Sample was maintained well mixed at 100 rpm for 2 minutes followed by 30 rpm for 118 minutes and 40 minutes of settling. C- Adding Fenton reagent as run A. Sample was maintained well mixed at 100 rpm for 160 minutes. D- Fe2+ was added when Fenton reaction starts. H2O2 dosage was added averagely at intervals of 40 minutes (500 mg/L H2O2 was added for each time). Sample was maintained well mixed as described as A. E- H2O2 was added when Fenton reaction starts. Fe2+ dosage was added averagely at intervals of 40 minutes (1000 mg/L Fe2+ was added for each time). Sample was maintained well mixed as described as A. F- Fe2+ and H2O2 were together added averagely at intervals of 40 minutes (500 mg/L H2O2 and 1000 mg/L Fe2+ were added for each time). Sample was maintained well mixed as described as A. The priority of DCOD removal efficiencies was F (73.6%)>E (69.4%)>D (67.9%)>A (62.3%)≒B (62.2%)>C (57.1%). The results revealed that the addition approach of reagent could affect the efficiency of Fenton reaction, the interval addition was with about 16% improvement of removal compared with adding once a time. Excess mixing, including higher agitation speed and prolong mixing time, had no any enhancement but worse the removal efficiency.